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Domestic Adoption in Missouri

If you’ve been considering different options for growing your family, you aren’t alone. Each year, hopeful families turn to domestic adoption in Missouri as a way to build their family. There are many benefits to choosing private domestic adoption for both adoptive and birth families.

Here’s what you need to know. 

What is Domestic Adoption in Missouri?

You have many choices when you’re ready to grow your family, and domestic adoption in Missouri is one of the most common choices. With this type of adoption, you will typically be matched with a birth parent during her pregnancy, which means you will generally adopt a newborn or infant.

Why Should You Choose Domestic Adoption in Missouri?

Here at American Adoptions, we know you have many options when it comes to your adoption pathway. No two adoption journeys are completely alike, which is why it’s important to choose an adoption style that works for you. Here are just some of the reasons to consider pursuing domestic adoption in Missouri.

1. International Adoption is Declining

One of the biggest reasons to consider domestic adoption in Missouri is that international adoption rates have been decreasing for the last decade.

While international adoption was once a very popular choice for families who hoped to adopt, this is no longer the case.

It’s important to understand that with international adoption, laws and regulations change on a regular basis. This means that if you’re halfway through the adoption process and a legal policy or law changes, your adoption could be disrupted.

2. Lower Wait Times

When you pursue domestic adoption in Missouri with a professional such as American Adoptions, you’ll experience lower wait times. Here at American Adoptions, you can plan for a wait time of anaverage of 12 months.

There are several factors that contribute to lower wait times. One of the biggest is that we take advertising our families seriously.

When you want to adopt a child, you’ll need to match with a potential birth mother. That can’t happen if they don’t know you exist. This is where our advertising and marketing comes into play.

When you work with American Adoptions, you’ll create a waiting family profile. This profile is designed to give potential birth mothers a better understanding of who you are – and why you’ll be the perfect parents for their child.

3. More Adoption Opportunities

When you’re considering private domestic adoption in Missouri, it’s important to understand that this type of adoption can provide more opportunities.

When you decide to pursue private domestic adoption in Missouri with an agency, you’ll complete an APQ designed to help your social worker understand what you’re looking for in a child and in a birth mother. Your adoption team will use this information to help match you with prospective birth parents.

One of the reasons that adoptions can sometimes take a long time is that there aren’t enough options for birth mothers and adoptive families. Choosing to pursue private domestic adoption in Missouri with a national agency, such as American Adoptions, can help prevent this from happening. An agency with a national reach can help match you with a birth mother in almost any state.


One of the best ways to decide if adopting domestically in Missouri is right for you is to read testimonials from families who have already been through the experience.

An adoptive dad, Tripper, says of his adoption experience, “You’re always going to wonder what that post-adoption relationship will be with the birth mother and what the right amount will be for the baby and what you feel comfortable with… Once you do that, you have to trust the process and the professionals.”

Another adoptive mother, Kelli, says of her child’s adoption, “It’s the one thing that I feel like I’ve always wanted. The first couple of months, it was just getting used to the fact that I’m a mom. It’s pretty cool, and it’s definitely all it’s cracked up to be… I’ve never loved anybody like this.”

While the adoption experience looks different for every family, one common thread is that adoptive families couldn’t imagine their life turning out any other way.

Adoptive dad Scott reflects back on his experience with adoption by saying, “In the back of my head, I wondered, having had biological children, what I was going to feel like toward Ethan. Sue and I have basically said to each other a few times that he doesn’t ever seem like he was anything but our child. It seems like he’s always been ours… It’s amazing the feeling of having someone in the family that kind of appeared out of nowhere. He feels like he’s always been here.”

What Does Adoption Cost?

One of the most common questions hopeful adoptive parents have about adopting domestically in Missouri is, “What is the cost of adoption?”

Pursuing private domestic adoption in Missouri is an investment, and you might be wondering where that money goes.

Part of the adoption expenses you incur is designed to help cover the cost of:

  • Advertising and marketing
  • Providing support and counseling
  • Assisting your birth mother with expenses

American Adoptions of Missouri provides a clear and honest breakdown of your fees to adopt. Additionally, our active adoptive families benefit from 100% financial protection. So, if an adoption opportunity doesn't work out, you won't have to worry about losing money and breaking the bank to pursue a new opportunity.

Compare that to other leading competitors that often require repayment of fees to find a new opportunity in the event of a disruption. 

If you’d like to talk more about the cost of adoption or find out how you can start preparing to adopt a child, give our team a call at 1-800-ADOPTION. We’d love the chance to talk with you about adopting a child and how you can make your adoption dreams become a reality.

Information available through these links is the sole property of the companies and organizations listed therein. American Adoptions provides this information as a courtesy and is in no way responsible for its content or accuracy.

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