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Tanner & Beth
Thank you for taking your time to look at our profile and for considering us. We have been looking to expand our family for many years and have a lot of love to give. To us, being a great parent means promoting an environment that focuses on learning, having fun, and helping others. Choosing us would be giving us the greatest gift, and words cannot describe the gratitude we would have.
Our Favorite Vacation Spot

We love all sorts of theme parks, but our favorite is Disney World! We usually visit the area once to twice a year. We love the immersion that Disney World provides with meeting characters, story-centered attractions, and various shows. Our favorite parks are Magic Kingdom and Hollywood Studios, with Tanner being a passionate Star Wars fan and Beth loving Space Mountain and the history of Magic Kingdom. We can’t wait to take our future child and see what their favorites are!
We are blessed that Beth’s grandparents own a home about 15 minutes from Disney World, making it easy to stay and enjoy the neighborhood. Their gated community has multiple swimming pools, lakes and ponds for fishing, and a quick drive from other activities like mini golf, water parks, and one of our favorite ice cream places (Twistee Treat). We also love visiting New Hampshire and Maine and being around the mountains. Tanner’s family takes a vacation to the mountains about every other year, spending time around the North Conway and Sebago Lake areas which have kayaking, hiking and fishing opportunities. There is also a family amusement park close by called Story Land that we can’t wait to visit!
Our Pets

We both love animals, especially dogs, and we both have had dogs as pets throughout our childhood and young adult life. We rescued Ella in September 2020 from Mexico City. We treat Ella as if she was a human with plenty of attention, playing, treats, healthy foods, and taking her to visit family weekly.
She absolutely adores our nephew, Conor, and gives him plenty of love when they are together. Ella means the world to us and we’ve been so blessed to have her. We are so excited to introduce her to our future child.
We believe having a pet helps greatly with companionship, responsibility, and empathy. Pet ownership also reinforces important lessons such as soft touching, respecting boundaries, and caring for others. Ella is very easy going and the perfect dog to help teach a future child these important lessons.
What Made Us Who We Are

For Tanner, his maternal grandparents were a huge influence on his life as he grew into an adult. His grandmother had a degenerative illness that impacted her life greatly. Tanner watched as she always held such a high spirit even though she was dealing with a difficult condition- she even went skydiving twice even though she was confined to a wheelchair! Tanner watched his grandfather sacrifice greatly to provide the love and care his wife needed. Growing up, Tanner took this to heart and it taught him what true love and compassion looked like. He takes those lesson into his everyday life helping those in need and doing what he can to support others over himself.
For Beth, her adoptive paternal grandparents shaped her work ethic and service mindset. Her grandparents took in her father in his teens, quickly bringing him in as part of the family and raising him as they raised their son and three daughters. When he later had children, my grandparents ensured that we were treated the same as all the other grandchildren, including large vacations, working at the family diner, supporting plays or fundraisers, and being a call away for any advice or questions.
When there were times where she had fears about fitting in with her cousins, her grandfather showed her that the value and love that she needed. He serves as a role model for her when she thinks about inclusion.

Our Extended Families

We are blessed to both have close extended families- both in distance and relationships.
Beth has two siblings, a brother-in-law, nephew (age 2), and parents who live less than a half hour from our home. We chat daily and see each other regularly. We love spending time with our nephew with zoo visits, aquarium days, and especially looking forward to other trips as he ages. Growing up, we had yearly trips to Disney/Universal and Six Flags which we look forward to continuing with a child and our nephew.

Tanner has three siblings (who have partners), a niece (age 10), and parents who also live within 10 minutes from our home. We chat and see each other regularly. Tanner’s parents have a wonderful pool area where we all gather weekly during the summer- swimming, grilling, and teaching others how to swim! We go on a big family vacation once a year- the most recent being a trip to the Outer Banks in North Carolina.
We both have extended families (including aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins) that mostly live within an hour from our home who we see regularly. Both families love holidays and gatherings, including planning decorations, elaborate food options, and entertainment. Some examples of our traditions include playing left-right-center and a massive saran wrap ball game- we get really competitive! Both families are also incredibly supportive – anyone who needs help can expect a response from a small army of people.
Our House and Neighborhood

We live in a quiet neighborhood by the most walkable area of our town with our local library, various restaurants, shops, local pharmacies, and a supermarket less than a mile from our home. Our neighborhood has plenty of kids and has wonderful yard displays during the holiday season.
We own a three bedroom, one bathroom house. Our favorite area is our living room where we host friends and family for football, game nights, and family dinners. Beth’s other favorite room is her office that includes her personal library and collection of various Disney pins, mugs, and other items. We’ve been putting effort into improving our backyard area with a new deck! Our dog, Ella, enjoys the fenced in yard and loves to play catch or be in the snow during winter months.
Our town (and the neighboring small city Beth grew up in) is a close-knit community that boasts many events and activities for locals and tourists such as carnivals, fireworks, festivals, and historical tours. There is always something going on in our area! We also have Santa visit each street in our town in December, escorted by our local fire department. The area has multiple public beaches and parks that attract children of all ages! We often go to live sporting events, museums, musical theaters, zoos, aquariums, and other cultural experiences.
From Us to You

We deeply appreciate that you’ve taken the time to consider us. We can’t imagine how difficult this decision must be for you; however, we promise to give your child a safe, stable, loving, enriching and compassionate life.
We have tried to have children for several years but were unable to conceive biological children. While challenging at the time, it led us to seek adoption, and we are honored to have an opportunity to welcome a child. We have educated ourselves to prepare for the best possible experience for the child, expectant parent(s) and ourselves. We have a lot of love to give and cannot wait to share that as parents!
We are very excited for what the future holds. We’ve been married for almost four years and cannot wait to welcome a child in and expand our family. We both have large, welcoming extended families that bring with them fun activities year-round like family vacations, spending time at the pool, and getting together just because. Our families and friends are extremely supportive of us and our decision to adopt. We know that they’ll be an active part of the child’s life and our niece and nephew will be excited to welcome another cousin!
We both work in a hybrid environment, having some working days in an office or classroom environment and other days at home. We have flexibility in where we work. Our lives also bring us many opportunities to travel. Recently, Beth went to Phoenix, Arizona and Orlando, Florida for conferences and there was so much that children could experience. For a future child, we value the importance of educational and developmental experiences, both inside and outside of the classroom. This includes teaching by example how to be kind, have a strong work ethic, and how to build upon their strengths. We are close to multiple major cities in the Northeast that offer a multitude of museums, zoos, aquariums, music festivals, and cultural experiences. We’re both massive Disney fans and can’t wait to bring that Disney magic to our growing family. We welcome exploration of interests, hobbies, and activities ?" we did the same growing up and learned so much about ourselves! We are passionate about enabling them to reach their full potential.
We would love the opportunity to have an open adoption, on whatever level of openness that would be comfortable for you. We will always be open and honest with a child in regards to adoption, starting in childhood with children’s books and answering questions. We are eager to know you and happy to work together to maintain a healthy relationship. We welcome diversity in to our family and welcome any suggestions you may have to tie your traditions into ours. We love new experiences! We are committed to keeping close contact through photos, letters, emails, and/or text messages, however you are comfortable. We also are open to making arrangements for visits on a yearly basis. We recognize that this process must be very difficult for you and would respect if at any point you would require time or space without contact.
Thank you for considering us as potential parents for your child. We will provide all the love, support, and guidance that any child or parent could ask for. We’ll embrace open adoption, making the commitment to always speak highly of you and honor you with our words and actions. You will be in our thoughts as you navigate this difficult decision ahead.
Tanner & Beth
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